Family Economics 7. Does your family consider itself rich or poor, comfortable or struggling? Soumana considers the family poor because his income does not cover his needs. 8. How many hours/week does each family member work? Soumana and the women work 16 hours/day, 7 days/week. That is 112 hours/week. 9. Are you satisfied with your jobs? What do you like/dislike about them? We are not satisfied with our jobs because our income is small. 10. How much money does each family member earn/month? Combined income from all members working is 25,000 f. ($91 US). 11. What are your total expenses each month for: Food: We mostly plant our own food. From June to November we spend about 1,500 f. ($5 US) on food. Clothing: We do not buy clothes each month, but once a year for celebrations (Ramadan, Tabaski) we spend 5,000 f ($1.35 US). 12. What is your family's energy consumption and cost? Electricity: We use 8 liters of gas/month and 2 loads of wood/month. Water: Women bring water from the river and well. 13. How much waste do you generate; and how does your family dispose of its waste ? Two or three times/day we throw it over the wall which we were able to build. We use garbage for compost. 14. Does your family buy, produce, or sell foreign goods? Some foreign products.